Monday, April 5, 2010

Natural AHA Fruit Facial

Here is a natural facial idea inspired by my friend Trista who also comes up with her own natural and edible creations. The skin is incredibly absorptive and as a rule of thumb, we should not be putting products on our faces that we would not eat. This may sound unusual in our synthetic product laden society, but for health and the pursuit of natural beauty, this concept is good to have in mind.

This little recipe makes an excellent addition to a spa treatment at home.

The berries can be a little messy, drain a little water from the mixture or add milk powder for the right consistency.

Fresh Strawberry AHA Facial:

mash together:
1 large strawberry,
a squeeze of lemon juice, and
a dollop of cream or milk powder

Strawberries, lemon juice, and milk all contain alpha-hydroxy acid, which act as an exfolient to help dissolve dead cells revealing newer, more youthful skin cells. Sloughing dead skin alson helps keep pores clean and both prevents and removes blackheads.

Smoosh the mask thinly over your face, carefully keeping the fruit liquid away from the eyes, which may cause stinging.

Don't worry! This mask won't make your face red! I tested it on myself! After washing away the mask with clean cool water, use a natural scrub to massage the skin and promote circulation. This step will also remove old skin cells that have been loosened by the mask. After cleansing, massage in a moisturizer with circular motion and your face will feel invigorated and wonderful!

Enjoy this completely natural (and delicious) mask; don't be afraid to take a little lick!!

1 comment:

Julie Robbins said...

this is THE best (and cheapest!) face mask!